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eMedia Singing Method contents


I. Introduction to Singing

Matching Pitch; Introduction to Rhythm; Music Staff; Music Notation; Basic Rhythm Notation.

II. Your Body as the Instrument

Classifying Voices; Voice Range; How You Sing; The Larynx; Proper Standing Posture.

III. Breathing

The Diaphragm; Breathing Exercises; Abdominal Muscles; Engaging Your Abs; Tone Exercises.

IV. Supporting the Voice

The Sustained “S”; Regulating the Exhale; Suspended Breath; Independence of Tongue and Jaw.

V. Resonance

Exploring Vocal Resonance; Visualizing The Soft Palate; Tongue Position.

VI. Vowels

Role of Vowels and Consonants; Vowel Combinations.

VII. Consonants

Consonants; Proprioception; Using the Soft Palate.

VIII. Beginnning of Tone

The Beginning of Tone; Onsets; Offsets; Staccato.

IX. Sustained Singing

Sustained Singing; Maintaining Integrity of Onset; Sustaining Musical Phrases; Vocal Agility; The Melisma.

X. Parts of the Singing Voice

Parts of the Singing Voice; The Chest Voice; The Head Voice; The Mixed Voice; Increasing Your Range.

XI. Expression

About Expression; Expression In Poetry; Vibrato; Dynamics; Crescendo; Decrescendo; Messa di Voce.

XII. Songs for Practice

Vocal warm-ups; “Imagine;” “Stop! In the Name of Love;” “Dancing in the Street.”

XIII. Sight Reading

Hearing, Seeing and Singing Intervals; Scales; Scale degree.


Button Symbols; Commands and Shortcuts; Song Looping; Tools (Metronome, Recorder, etc).